

Created: 2021-11-12 Fri 22:34

Something about spiders?

Spinnerette is a platform for quickly developing web sites using Janet.

Think of it like PHP but replace the horrors of PHP with a modern LISP.


A newer LISP language with a lot of nice features.

TL;DR Janet looks like Clojure, embeds like Lua.

But the GitHub says it’s in Go

The core Spinnerette runtime is written in Go with bindings to Janet (which is in C).

I picked Go because it comes with an HTTP and FastCGI server OOTB, and has great multitasking. And is capable of compiling down to a single static executable.

Cool examples

Some quick examples of features of Spinnerette and the various different ways you can use it to create web pages.

HTML in Janet

You can build up HTML using Janet data structures. If you’re familliar with Hiccup the syntax is very similar.

(import janet-html :as html)

   [:h1 "Hello from Janet-HTML"]
   [:p "this was created with pure Janet!"]]])

Janet in HTML

You can write Janet in HTML using Temple. Very PHPy.

  (import janet-html :as html)
  (import spin/markdown :as md)

      <h1>{{ "Hello there!" }}</h1>

      {- (html/encode [:div [:p "Fun with templates"]]) -}

        (md/temple "**Hello from Markdown,
          {{ (args :x) }}**" :x "yes")

Built-in SQLite

Having database support is a killer feature of PHP. We just picked a better database.

(import sqlite3 :as sql)

# Open an SQLite3 database at the file "test.db"
(def dbfile "./test.db")
(def db (sql/open dbfile))

# Insert some data into the database and query it back out
(sql/eval db
   customers(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT);`)
(sql/eval db
  `INSERT INTO customers VALUES(:id, :name);`
  {:name "John" :id 12345})
(def res (sql/eval db `SELECT * FROM customers;`))

Janet in Markdown

# Hello from Markdown

Spinnerette also supports **Markdown** rendering!

| Item         | Price     | # In stock |
| Juicy Apples | 1.99      | *7*        |
| Bananas      | **1.89**  | 5234       |

{{ (string "Markdown files also support Temple templates!") }}

OK but what’s the Point?

PHP is great for being able to very quickly and easily create websites. But PHP itself kinda sucks.

So Spinnerette is trying to create the same rapid and fun development cycle, but without the pains of PHP.

Minimalism and Webservers

One of the biggest ways we make things simple is that Spinnerette is bring-your-own-webserver. You just plug it in with HTTP or FastCGI and use your old-school .htaccess and mod_rewrite.

Everything else is just files waiting to be served.

Future Stuff

  • CSS from Janet like Garden
  • Config file
  • More features
  • Testing
  • Other things?!?

Begging Time

I kinda need some help here. The one-man-band thing is fun, but I run out of steam.

So if any of this sounded interesting to you, come check out the repo:


Come on down to Spinnerette

We have…

  • A sick logo
  • Cursed C preprocessor usage
  • Spiders
  • Thread-safety (I hope)

Questions? Comments? Complaints?